Accounting Made Simple

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Running a small business can be challenging, especially managing the wealth of compliance and ATO requirements when you are operating a lean and mean team.

We can assist with all accounting, bookkeeping, taxation and advisory services for individuals, small businesses and operations of all sizes. From start to finish, our experts ensure you are compliant and up to date, freeing your arms to focus on the ongoing operations of your company.


Our focus is on SME businesses and we provide a personal approach to guiding clients through taxation compliance along with advisory services. Part of our service is getting to know you and your goals, offering our first meeting free for new clients that are looking at moving accountants.


We also keep contact with current clients on a monthly/quarterly basis to keep informed of client circumstances, updates of their businesses and situation.


  1. Business accountancy

    Achieving ATO compliance is crucial and the rules are constantly shifting and changing, which can be difficult to navigate – especially for small businesses.


    We have the experience, the knowledge and the competitive rates to help you manage all elements of compliance and give you the tools to scale and grow your business without being bogged down by paperwork.


    DAM Accountants can be your on-call assistant, advising you through all stages of finances and giving you the best possible chances of success.

  2. Personal accountancy

    Whatever financial or accountancy assistance you require, our team can assist. We can help with your planning and building personal wealth, tax compliance and returns, any information surrounding your mortgage, refinancing and other loans. Let us help you improve your financial position now, and well into the future.

For more information or to arrange your free first meeting, contact the team at DAM Accountants on 0401 758 574